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Harry Adelson, ND, a native New Yorker, received his undergraduate degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. After receiving his N.D. from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, he completed his residency in Integrative Medicine at the Yale/Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut. During his years in Connecticut, he volunteered his services in homeless shelters in Bridgeport and performed hundreds of Prolotherapy procedures on medically underserved persons living with pain. This allowed him to develop his skills as a Prolotherapist before opening his Prolotherapy practice, Docere Clinics in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002. He has served as faculty to the French Society of Mesotherapy and has lectured on Prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma, bone marrow aspirate and ultrasound guided injection to the Chinese and Taiwanese Societies of Anesthesiologists in 2006 and 2007 respectively. Updated October 1, 2013. Dr. Adelson is currently practicing Prolotherapy in Park City Utah
Budak Akman, MD
Yeditepe University Faculty of medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department Istanbul – Turkey
Phone: 0 216 578 40 44
Fax: 0 216 578 49 62
Mobile phone: 0 532 485 58 77
E-mail: drbudakakman@hotmail.com
Dr. Alderman is Medical Director of Hemwall Center for Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine with two offices in California, specializing in Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy, and Biocellular Prolotherapy. She received her bachelor’s degree from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, & her osteopathic medical degree from Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California. Dr. Alderman is a leading contributor in the advancement of Biocellular Regenerative Medicine, particularly in the area of musculoskeletal repair and regeneration. She created the first published protocol for prolotherapy using autologous adipose-derived cellular-matrix combined with high-density platelet-rich plasma concentrates. She is also co-director of the Institute for Biocellular Regenerative Medicine in Montana, which offers training for physicians in these protocols. Dr. Alderman is currently on the Board of Trustees of the American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine and a member of the American Association of Orthopedic Medicine. Dr. Alderman has also done numerous postdoctorate courses in Prolotherapy and uses it daily in her practice at 28212 Kelly Johnson Parkway, Ste. 135, Valencia, CA 91355; Phone: 661.295.1110.
June 2015: JUST Voted one of the TOP 10 innovators in the field of STEM CELL INNOVATION and the stem cell field by the international membership of the Academy of Regenerative Practices at their recent conference and scientific sessions! Dr. Robert W. Alexander, MD, DMD, FICS is an internationally recognized aesthetic & reconstructive surgeon, author, teacher, pioneer in use of stem/stromal cells in clinical practice, and a recognized leader in the field of BIOCELLULAR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE™. Contributions in use of adipose-derived stem/stromal cells combined with high-density platelet concentrates in the areas of aesthetic surgery, open flap surgery, chronic wound therapy, and orthopaedic medicine/surgical fields is considered novel and important contributions. Dr. Alexander graduated Magna Cum Laude with full honors from St. Louis University School of Medicine and Dentistry and University of Florida (Gainesville). His early experiences in basic applied research was supported by NIH pre and post-doctoral research grants have led to multiple advances in surgery and medicine. His contributions in the areas of craniofacial trauma, reconstruction of growth and developmental congenital defects, pathology and aesthetic surgery of the head, neck and body have been recognized by his peers, including induction as a Fellow in the prestigious International College of Surgeons (FICS). Dr. Alexander was appointed Chairman of the Department of Maxillofacial/Craniofacial Surgery, University of Florida (JHEP) where he was responsible for an accredited (post-doctoral) Surgical Residency training program. Following a four year academic appointment, he returned to Seattle (WA, USA) in private and part-time academic practice. He taught multiple full year Fellowships for Board Certified or Eligible surgeons, following completion of their accredited Residency from 1990-2008. Publication of many articles in peer-reviewed medical literature, contributions to multiple textbooks, and as a featured speaker in national and international venues on the subjects of plastic surgery and regenerative medicine applications, particularly those in musculoskeletal .and orthopaedic applications (for the past decade) are well recognized. He is the recipient of multiple awards and recognitions in the areas of his primary specialty, as well as in the evolving uses of stem/stromal cells. He continues his academic affiliation with the University of WA (Seattle), and practicing/teaching the latest advances in Biocellular Regenerative treatments in plastic surgery and orthopaedic regenerative medicine. Using his scientific orientation and experiences, his wide scoped clinical surgical experiences combine to make him an acknowledged and respected expert in the areas of anti-aging and cellular therapies across multiple disciplines of medicine and surgery. He currently is a member of the Regulatory Committee of IFATS organization dealing with issues associated with the FDA in adipose-derived stem/stromal cell therapies. Dr. Alexander may be contacted via email at rwamd@cybernet1.com or office phone: 406.777.4477.
Patrick is a PA with experience in urgent care, rheumatology and orthopedics. He was a USAF medic for eight years. He has been using musculoskeletal ultrasound since 10/2006 and gave a MSK US presentation at the Boston ACR convention in Nov 2007. He has given hands-on MSK training to multiple doctors in pain management, PM&R, rheumatology, sports medicine and orthopaedics. Currently, he scans approximately 50 people a week in a busy orthopaedics practice. Patrick may be contacted at pastourian@gmail.com.
Ann Auburn is a doctor of Osteopathy specializing in the area of complementary health care. She received her training at Michigan State University of Osteopathic Medicine completing her degree in 1992. Dr. Auburn completed her residency in Family Practice at E.W. Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, and additional residency in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) at Michigan State University and is board certified in both disciplines. After residency, Dr. Auburn spent three years on faculty as an Assistant Professor of MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. She is proficient in both osteopathic manipulation and cranioscacral manipulation. In addition, Dr. Auburn spent more than eight years independently training in various areas of natural and complementary health care with many physicians and mentors from all over the United States. Dr. Auburn maintains a Clinical Assistant Professorship through MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine in both the OMM and Family Practice Departments. In recent years, Dr. Auburn enjoyed a tenure as the President of the Kent County Osteopathic Association as well as an appointment as a Professional Member on the Michigan Board of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery and served as the Chairman of that board from 2007 to 2008. Dr. Auburn is currently overseeing her ever growing Family Practice in West Michigan and can be contacted at the Natural Health Improvement Center, 4466 Heritage Ct, Suite D, Grandville, MI 49418; Tel: 616.301.0808.
Dr. Baehnisch grew up in Limbach and Leipzig, Germany. He received his medical degree from the University of Leipzig in 1972 and completed his medical training in Leipzig and Würzburg, Germany. After finishing his clinical education, he switched to musculoskeletal medicine as well as manual therapy. He also received specialized training in the Cyriax technique of Orthopedic Medicine. In 1994, Dr. Baehnisch opened his private office in the Center of Leipzig. Dr. Funck from Lübeck, Germany, introduced him to Prolotherapy. Since 2001, Dr. Baehnisch has come to the United States several times to take courses in Prolotherapy from many well known Prolotherapists. He traveled to Honduras with the Hackett-Hemwall Foundation to help with the missionary work there. He is member of the EAPro (European Academy for Prolotherapy). Dr. Baehnisch may be reached at Specialist for Orthopaedics/Chiropractic, Landsberger Str. 1, D-04157 Leipzig, Germany. Tel: 0049.341.911.12.97;www.proliferationstherapie.de (in English and German).
Nicole M. Baird is a Certified Holistic Fitness Practitioner and is the Creative Director for Caring Medical Florida. Nicole has an avid interest in nutrition, alternative medicine, exercise, and medical research and has used her knowledge to become an instrumental writer for many of the publications associated with Caring Medical’s many printed materials, including patient brochures, website content, case studies, books, e-newsletters, and now the Journal of Prolotherapy®. Nicole can be reached at 9378 Commerce Center Ct; Tel: 239.308.4755; www.caringmedical.com and www.journalofprolotherapy.com.
Robert Banner, MD is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. He is board certified in Family Medicine and Anesthesiology and holds additional certification in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is a member of many professional organizations and holds qualification with the American and Canadian Academies of Pain Management and the American Integrative and Holistic Medical Association. He is a consultant in the Multidisciplinary Pain Program at the University of Western Ontario. He uses traditional and complementary therapies in his practice including Prolotherapy, Neural Therapy, AK, and Nutritional and Functional Medicine. Dr. Banner may be reached at 620 Richmond St. London, Ontario N6A 5J9; Tel: 519.850.6575; Email: robert.banner@sympatico.ca.
Glen M. Batson, DC received his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. Upon graduation, Dr. Batson has lectured and taught Chiropractic procedures and video-flouroscopic imaging through the continuing education department of Palmer College. Dr. Batson developed and sponsored the video fluoroscopic imaging certification course through Palmer College certifying Doctors of Chiropractic in the protocol and interpretation of video fluoroscopic spinal motion imaging. Dr. Batson is certified in video fluoroscopy imaging, radiographic imaging, chiropractic manipulative procedures, and physiotherapy. Dr. Batson has been in private practice in Illinois since 1988 specializing in specific spinal analysis and manipulation. Dr. Batson may be reached at his office in Willowbrook, Illinois at 630.323.1181 or by e-mail at backbonedr@aol.com.
Matthew Bayes, MD is board certified in Sports Medicine, having completed his fellowship at Saint Louis University. He is a founding partner of BlueTail Medical Group with offices in St. Louis, Missouri; Columbia, Missouri; and Naples, Florida. He has experience using PRP, bone marrow concentrate, and adipose as percutaneous bio-cellular grafts. He has been an invited speaker on the use of biocellular grafts and diagnostic ultrasound in sports medicine, and employs ultrasound for both diagnosis and needle guided procedures. His hobbies include endurance sports and spending time with his family in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Bayes may be reached at BlueTail Medical Group, 17300 N. Outer 40 Road, Suite 201, Chesterfield, MO 63005. Tel: 636-778-2900, Fax: 636-778-2828; www.bluetailmedicalgroup.com.
Dr. Bechtel graduated from the University of Maryland with a BS in Physical Therapy in 1979. He received an MS in PT from New York University in 1981 and a PhD in Biomechanics from the University of Maryland in 1998. He teaches in the Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science and has conducted continuing education courses nationally and internationally. His research interests are in manual physical therapy assessment and treatment of pain of spinal origin, and biomechanical modeling of forces applied to spinal and sacroiliac joints. Dr. Bechtel has published papers on the tolerance for isokinetic testing pre and post lumbar fusion, on the sacroiliac joint, has presented internationally and is co-author of one of the first artificial disc rehabilitation books in the country. He and Dr. Scott Benjamin have also co-authored a Functional Anatomy book which discusses how the muscles function and also what happens when they are impaired. Dr. Bechtel can be contacted at the University of Maryland; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baltimore, MD; Tel: 410.706.544; www.pt.umaryland.edu.
Dr. Benjamin received his undergraduate training from the Michigan Technological University and his physical therapy BS from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His finished his graduate work at the University of Maryland and he is co-author of the Post Surgical Rehabilitation text with Dr. Roy Bechtel. He has authored papers on TDA, lateral epicondylitis, modalities, isokinetic testing and aquatic therapy. He and Dr. Roy Bechtel have also co-authored a Functional Anatomy book discussing the function and impairment of muscles. Scott has taught continuing education courses nationally and internationally with his areas of interests being in biomechanics of the spine, sacroiliac joint, manual therapy and rehabilitation. Dr. Benjamin may be reached at Exclusive Physical Therapy, Inc., 416 S Creyts Road, Lansing, MI 48917; Tel: 517.327.0966; www.exclusivept.com.
Dr. Peter Blakemore graduated from Bob Jones University in 2004 with a BS in Premedicine. He completed his medical school training at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Biddeford, Maine, graduating with a Doctorate of Osteopathy in 2008, followed by an internship at Samaritan Medical Center in Watertown, New York. Dr. Blakemore is currently completing a residency in Neuromuscular Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing, Michigan, where he also teaches in the department of Manual Medicine. Dr. Blakemore has had the privilege of working with and training under Dr. Hauser for ten years and has worked in many medical missionary Prolotherapy clinics. Dr. Blakemore has a love for Prolotherapy and hopes to use it in his medical practice upon completion of his residency. Dr. Blakemore is married to his wife Krista and they have one daughter Petra. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with family, Bible reading, hiking, cycling, and running, having completed the Ironman Triathlon in 2004.
Joanne Borg-Stein, MD is Medical Director of Spaulding-Wellesley and Newton-Wellesley Spine Center. In addition, she is the team physician for Wellesley College and assistant professor in the Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Borg-Stein received her undergraduate degree at Tufts University and her MD at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Borg-Stein provides comprehensive musculoskeletal care, including medical acupuncture, Prolotherapy, and Botox injections. She is involved with gender specific care for women’s musculoskeletal injuries including conditions related to pregnancy, sports and osteoporosis. Dr. Borg-Stein has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the field of sports medicine, chronic pain, and rehabilitation. Dr. Borg-Stein may be reached at Spaulding-Wellesley Rehab Center, 65 Walnut Street, Wellesley, MA 02481; Tel: 781.431.9144; www.spauldingrehab.org.
Debra K. Brinker, RN received her nursing degree from St. Lukes School of Nursing in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She has traveled throughout Mexico and Central America to care for and teach health care to primitive Indians, including the Tarahumara, Quetchi, and Mayan Indians. Her work also involved working with a team to begin an orphanage in Reynosa, Mexico. Debra spent 10 years at the Chicagoland office of Caring Medical & Rehabilitation Services, in Oak Park, Illinois, as the clinical manager, lab manager and primary nutrition coach, positions fueled by her passion for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Debra writes medical articles for the Island Sun and River Weekly newspaper, the SW FL Health and Wellness magazine, and has had several articles published in peer reviewed journals, including articles she has translated and edited from Spanish for English journals.
Dr. Browning is a graduate of the NOVA Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He currently serves as the program director for the Integrated Family Medicine and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Residency at Florida Hospital East Orlando. He lives in Florida with his two sons and wife Sarah. Dr. Browning can be reached at Florida Hospital Graduate Medical Education, 7975 Lake Underhill Rd, Suite 210, Orlando, FL 32822; Office: 407-303-6830; Fax: 407-303-6839; Brian.Browning.DO@flhosp.org.
José Eleazar Calderón de la Fuente, MD, is a Mexican physician, born in Monclova, Coahuila. Dr. Calderón followed in his family’s footsteps, as his father was also a traumatologist and his mother a nurse. He is an orthopedist and a traumatologist graduating from the Medical School of San Luis Potosí, S. L. P. Mexico and completing residency training at the Orthopedic Institute Rizzoli of Bologne, Italy. He has subspecialty training in arthroscopy of the knee from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, 1994 and Southeast Orthopaedic Clinic, PTO of San Antonio, Texas, 1994. Dr. Calderon practices almost full-time Prolotherapy at Av. Los Reyes #1003 Col. Nueva Rosita. Monclova, Coahuila. México. C.P. 25720; Tel: 01.866.635.2470; www.proloterapia.com.
Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO is a graduate of Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery where he served an osteopathic manipulative medicine teaching fellowship. He is board certified in osteopathic manipulation. Dr. Cantieri has taught Prolotherapy with the American Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine and chaired the American Academy of Osteopathy’s course on Prolotherapy since its inception in 1999. He has lectured extensively to local, national and international medical groups on Prolotherapy and osteopathic manipulation. He is a co-author of Principles of Prolotherapy, a medical textbook on Prolotherapy published in 2008. Dr. Cantieri is in private practice in Mishawaka, Indiana specializing in the treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. You may contact his office at 574-271-8646 or by email at mscantieri@pol.net.
Stephen Cavallino, MD was born in New York, and attended Bologna Medical School in Italy at 19 year old. He graduated with a MD in medicine and surgery in 1989 and returned to the United States for his National Boards of medicine. Afterward, Dr. Cavallino returned to Italy and specialized in Emergency Medicine in Ferrara, Italy from 1990-1994. Currently he is working in the hospital ER 12 hour shifts, three times a week and doing full time Prolotherapy on days off. Dr. Cavallino has four active offices in Italy: Ferrara, Rome, Sicily, and Bari. His major interest is to help people with chronic pain and he is one of the world’s few “Neural Prolotherapists,” treating pain by regeneration to all nerves that are causing pain, called neuro regeneration. To contact Dr. Cavallino, call his Ferrara office at 0039.0532.242.980.
Christopher J. Centeno, MD is a double boarded certified physician in both Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as well Pain Medicine. He is the medical director of The Centeno-Schultz Clinic. Dr. Centeno earned his MD from the University of South Florida and completed his residency at the Institute for Rehabilitation Research, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Baylor College of Medicine. He is a founding member and medical director of the International Cellular Medicine Society. Through ICMS, Dr. Centeno has worked with other stem cell experts to produce International Guidelines for stem cell use as well as an International Re-implantation Registry. Dr. Centeno published the world’s first clinical case reports on the use of mesenchymal stem cells in orthopedic patients. He has cared for thousands of patients in chronic pain and has authored over 20 medical publications that are indexed in the US national library of medicine. He has also treated hundreds of patients with Prolotherapy. Dr. Centeno may be reached at 403 Summit Blvd, Suite 201, Broomfield, CO 80021; Tel: 303.429.6448; www.centenoschultzclinic.com.
Gary B. Clark, MD, MPA is currently the Medical Director of the Center for Healing Injury and Pain and Boulder Prolotherapy in Boulder, Colorado. Dr. Clark earned a BA and MD from University of Colorado, interned in Pediatrics at Yale-New Haven Hospital; and completed his residency and board certification in Pathology and Neuropathology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Dr. Clark also earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration with Special Study in Organizational Development at George Washington University. He retired from the US Army in 1991 after 23 years of active duty. To contact Dr. Clark: 1790 30th Street, Suite 230, Boulder, Colorado 80301; Tel: 303.444.5131; www.doctorclark.com.
Dr. Conaway grew up in Virginia where she received a BA from The University of Virginia and then attended the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She will complete her Integrated Family Medicine and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine residency in June 2014 at Florida Hospital East Orlando. Upon completion, she has accepted a faculty position in the same program. Dr. Conaway can be reached at Florida Hospital Graduate Medical Education, 7975 Lake Underhill Rd, Suite 210, Orlando, FL 32822; Office: 407-303-6830; Fax: 407-303-6839; econawaydo@gmail.com.
Dr. Crane is board certified in Sports Medicine and Emergency Medicine. He completed his fellowships at the University of Missouri. Dr. Crane has been utilizing bio-cellular grafts with ultrasound guidance for four years with experience in regenerative therapies for seven years. He has taught Regenerative Therapeutics and the use of bio-cellular grafting techniques throughout the country to doctors from all over the world. He has extensive knowledge of musculoskeletal ultrasound for diagnostic and needle guided therapies. Dr. Crane enjoys competing in Ironman Races, Adventure Racing and Triathlons. Dr. Crane, along with Dr. Kristin Oliver co-founded the BlueTail Regenerative Therapeutics. Dr. Crane may be reached at Crane Clinic Sports Medicine, 219 Chesterfield Towne Centre, Chesterfield, MO 63005; Tel: 636.449.7400; Fax: 636.449.7402; www.craneclinic.com.
Joseph J. Cukla, LPN received his Bachelor of Art degree in English from Piedmont College in Georgia. He received his Practical Nurse license at City Colleges of Chicago. He is a full time Practical Nurse at Caring Medical Florida, 9738 Commerce Center Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908; Tel: 239.308.4755; www.caringmedical.com.
De La Mora, MD received his Bachelor degree from Universidad de Guadalajara as a Public Health technician and graduated from the Universidad de Guadalajara College of Medicine in México. He has been a member of The Christian Medical Society of Jalisco for 11 years, traveling to the poorest areas in his country and other Latin American countries giving free medical consultation and medicine to people in need. He is currently part of the Hackett-Hemwall Foundation faculty, helping in both the annual Prolotherapy conference in Madison, WI and the mission work every March in Honduras. He loves Prolotherapy and organizes a mission each January with the Hackett-Hemwall Foundation México Chapter. In addition to Hackett-Hemwall Prolotherapy, he learned subcutaneous Prolotherapy from Dr. Lyftogt in New Zealand. Dr. De La Mora may be contacted at Av. Juan Palomar y Arias 646 Fracc. Prados Providencia, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Tel: (33); Email: davosc0502@yahoo.com.mx.
Roger L. DeHaan, DVM graduated from Michigan State University with his degree in veterinary medicine in 1967. Following that, he was involved in agricultural missions in Colombia, South America for 12 years. He currently owns Holistic Veterinary Services, a clinical practice in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Dr. DeHaan has published two books on health with challenging answers to people and pets, as well as the planet. The titles are “We don’t Die…We Kill Ourselves: Our Foods are Killing US!” and “Restoring the Creation Mandate: HEALING for People, Pets, Plants & the Planet!” Dr. DeHaan may be contacted at 105 Police Club Drive, Kings Mountain, NC 28086. Tel/Fax 704-734-0061. www.aholisticvet.com.
Mark DeLaurentis, MD Completed Medical School at Jefferson Medical School in 1985, Internship at Cooper Hospital University of Medicine, and Residency in Radiology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Dr. DeLaurentis is board certified in Diagnostic Radiology CAQ Neuroradiology. Dr. DeLaurentis is a member of the American Medical Association, Radiological Society of North America, American Society of Neuroradiology, Medical Society of New Jersey, Camen County Medical Society, Society for Biomaterials, and Academy for Molecular Imaging. He currently practices at South Jersey Radiology Associates, PA in Cherry Hill, NJ and may be reached at 888.909.SJRA (7572) and www.sjra.com.
Choi Yung Do, MD graduated from the Inje University Medical School in Pusan, Korea and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at Inje Baek Hospital in Seoul. After he met Dr. Kim, the great master of acupuncture and moxa cautery, and received specialized training, he switched to alternative medicine as a means of pain management. His treatments include Prolotherapy, Acupuncture, Apitoxin, Moxa cautery, and Neural therapy. He is a member of the KSAT— the Korean Society of Apitoxin Therapy— and of IMS, the Korean Society of Interventional Muscle and Soft Tissue Stimulation Therapy. He has been using Prolotherapy since he opened his private office in Wonju city, and has treated thousands of cases with good outcomes. He is a Seventh-day Adventist and helps with the missionary work in Korea. Dr. Choi Yung Do may be reached at Yung Kwang Clinic, 230-10 Woosan dong, Wonju, Gangwon Do, South Korea; Tel: +82.33.731.1218; Cell: +; E-mail: yhryerye@yahoo.co.kr.
Erin E. Dolan, RN received her nursing degree from the University of St. Francis in May of 2009 and is a full-time nurse at Caring Medical Florida in Fort Myers, FL. Prior to nursing school, she spent eight years in the social service field working with individuals who had developmental disabilities and psychological disorders. Erin has written and researched for numerous health and Prolotherapy articles and blogs. She is passionate about patient care, health and fitness, and is an avid triathlete.
Richard L. DonTigny, PT received his Physical Therapy certification from the University of Iowa in 1958 and his Bachelor’s degree from Montana State College. For 28 years, Richard worked as a therapist in both the Colorado Springs, CO and Havre, MT areas, before heading up his own private practice for the next 10 years, working alone and unfunded to further advance his development of the dynamics of the pelvis. He retired from private practice in 1996, and continued on his path of teaching, research, and writing. Richard is a well-known lecturer and author. He has published numerous articles and book chapters, primarily on the mechanics and function of the sacroiliac joint. More on his method can be found at www.thelowback.com. How it works, why it hurts and how to fix it. Richard DonTigny may be reached at 2025 10th Avenue, Havre, Montana 59501.
Marc N. Dubick, MD is a board certified Anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Management physician. He specializes in the treatment of the muscular and skeletal components of chronic pain. Dr. Dubick has performed Prolotherapy injections for 15 years. Dr. Dubick graduated in 1975 from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine after graduating in 1970 from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. After practicing Anesthesiology at St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington, KY for 17 years, he gravitated to the field of chronic pain management where he was able to develop a continuity of care with his patients. He and his family relocated to Charleston in mid-2000, having lived for 30 years in Kentucky. He is a solo practitioner in Charleston at his clinic Pain Care and Natural Medicine Center of Charleston. Dr. Dubick may be reached at 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Drive, Suite 203 West, Charleston, SC 29414; Tel: 843.573.3444; www.prolotherapysc.com.
Shaun Fauley, DVM grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, where he graduated from Stevenson High School in 1980. He developed a love of animals and science early on from spending summers with the family horse and numerous other pets including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and fish to name a few. This interest continued into college where Dr. Fauley graduated from Illinois State University in 1984 with a BS in biology. He obtained his veterinary degree in 1988 from the University of Illinois. He worked for several years at area clinics before opening Care Animal Clinic in Naperville, IL in 1996. He started performing Prolotherapy on animals in the early 1990s with Dr. Ross Hauser. This new technique for addressing chronic pain management was found to be as effective in family pets as it was for Dr. Hauser’s human patients. Since those early years, Dr. Fauley has performed hundreds of Prolotherapy treatments with excellent results. “This is a treatment that is severely underutilized by the veterinary profession, usually because very few pet owners have even heard of the technique” claims Dr. Fauley. He continues to spread the word so that people, as well as their pets, can “Prolo their Pain Away!” Dr. Fauley may be reached at Care Animal Clinic, 531 West 87th St., Naperville, IL 60565; Tel: 630.355.6164.
As an Osteopath, Dr. Wayne Feister specializes in musculoskeletal pathology. In 1985, he completed a degree in Osteopathic Medicine at Ohio University College in Athens, Ohio. In 1986, Feister completed his internship at Garden City, Michigan, Osteopathic Hospital. Certified in both Prolotherapy and Sclerotherapy by the American Board of Prolotherapy and Sclerotherapy, he is a current member as well as a past trustee of The American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine (AOAPRM). His work as medical faculty includes The Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine as an Assistant Clinical Professor and Bowling Green State University as adjunct Assistant Professor in the department of Public and Allied Health. Currently, he is a Vice President of the Ohio Academy of Osteopathy and member of the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM). Dr. Feister is now serving as the Chairman for the Centers for Osteopathic Research and Education in the Osteopathic Principles and Practices Committee (COPPC). As a General Practitioner, he used vitamin and mineral nutrition to remedy disease for 27 years as an Osteopath; more recently, he encourages a traditional diet instead of commercial foods to improve health. As a committed member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, he has helped establish eight local chapters, where he is a regular speaker–sharing his extensive knowledge of health, nutrition, and food. Dr. Feister enjoys being a true country doctor: therefore, he and his wife follow a traditional diet and raise chickens and dairy cows on their Ohio farm. Dr. Wayne Feister can be contacted at his adjacent office: 4600 County Road 313, Rawson, OH 45881. Telephone: 419-963-2200.
Dr. Funck grew up in Luebeck, Germany. After receiving his M.D. from the University of Hamburg in 1968 he completed his trauma surgery and orthopedic surgeon training in Hannover and Braunschweig, Germany. After finishing his clinical education he left the operating branch and switched to muscoloskeletal medicine, as well as manual therapy, opening his own private office in Luebeck in 1975. In Bremen, Germany, Dr. Funck took up studies in orthopedic medicine, focusing on Cyriax diagnosis and treatment of soft tissues. He studied manual therapy with Prof. Tilscher from Vienna who first introduced him to Prolotherapy for low back pain patients. From 2000 to 2006 Dr. Funck has treated 1500 cases with Prolotherapy. He was successful in 88.3 % of them. Dr. Funck may be reached at Fackenburger Allee 22-24 23554 Lübeck, Germany; Tel: 0451.411.20; www.proliferationstherapie.de.
Dr. Babette Gladstein is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine. Her post-doctoral work has included veterinary acupuncture at the American Academy of Veterinary Medical Acupuncture at Colorado State University, as well as pre-veterinary studies at Hunter College in New York City. She is a member of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, the American Veterinarian Medical Association, and the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Gladstein has also been affiliated with The New York Racing Association, Meadowlands Raceway, and US Equestrian. As a licensed veterinarian in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, and California, Dr. Gladstein’s treatment modality expertise includes Prolotherapy, acupuncture, ultrasound, chiropractic, and massage therapy. Since the mid ‘80s, Dr. Gladstein observed and studied the benefits of nutrition and nutritional supplements in animal care and treatments and followed this with investigations into therapeutic ultrasound, massage and acupuncture, as well as physical therapy for horses. Dr. Gladstein may be reached at 45 East 89th Street, #31D, NY, NY 10128; Tel: 212.828.5663; www.drbabette.com.
Karina Gordin graduated from Tufts University in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in English, emphasizing creative writing. In 2009 she received a Masters of Natural Products from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Karina has officially combined both degrees to pursue medical journalism, and has since written for publications including Townsend Letter, Healthcare Ledger, Lilipoh, Natural Standard database, and RN Journal, among others. She is currently developing her own seasonal publication, as well as blogging on the theme of health freedom and wellness. Writing for Journal of Prolotherapy has undoubtedly been an unparalleled opportunity and privilege, and Karina always looks forward to collaborating with the publication to provide the kind of ground-breaking reports that can change the world. To contact Karina, email her at catspop7up@aol.com.
Richard Gracer, MD, Gracer Medical Group founder and director, has been a doctor for over 30 years who began his journey into the benefits of alternative health when a car accident left him with a broken neck bone. After receiving rapid welcome relief from an alternative therapist, he started his life long interest and education in alternative health treatments. Dr. Gracer has been practicing orthopedic medicine since 1979. He is certified in Addiction Medicine by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, board certified in Family Practice, and a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management. Dr. Gracer may be contacted at 5401 Norris Canyon Rd, Ste 102, San Ramon, CA 94583; Tel: 925.277.1100; www.gracermedicalgroup.com.
S. Greenberg, DVM graduated from University of Florida in 1993, and has dedicated her career to the well being of both wild and domestic animals. Dr. Greenberg’s current practice includes holistic modalities such as deep tissue massage/myofascial release, chiropractic, homeopathy, and regenerative injection therapies (RIT). Compassionately crusading for humane population reduction and health care for those animals otherwise uncared for has also become a main direction of her career. She does this through the Aloha Mission for Animals, a 501(C)3 non-profit organization of which she is a founding director. AMA projects have so far reached animals in Hawaii, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Indonesia, India, and Nepal. When not crusading for animals, Dr. Greenberg can be found on Kauai; swimming, paddling, hiking, or playing with her family. Dr. Greenberg may be reached at P.O. Box 20, Hanalei, HI 96714; Tel: 808.346.7387.
Julie R. Gunnigle, JD is an attorney specializing in litigation and intellectual property. She received her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Northern Arizona University, and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Notre Dame Law School. She recently left her position as a Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney to open a solo practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is licensed to practice in Indiana, Illinois, and before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Her interests include hiking and trail running. To contact Julie, you may email her at juliegunnigle@gmail.com.
Roy V. Hakala, DDS is a graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. He received advanced training at the United States Dental Institute, the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, and the National Capitol Center for Craniofacial Pain. He is a diplomate of both the American Board of Craniofacial Pain and the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. He established the Minnesota Craniofacial Center Midway, which is dedicated to the treatment of TMJ disorders and to oral appliance treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, in 1994. Dr. Hakala can be reached at 1690 University Avenue West #390, St. Paul, MN 55104; Tel: 651.642.1013; www.mncranio.com.
Anna Hamman attended the United States Air Force Academy. Upon graduation, in 2003, she entered the United States Air Force. Anna completed six years of active duty service, including deployment to Iraq as an Intelligence Analyst. Anna has been a competitive swimmer since she was 10 years old. Over the years, and particularly following the birth of her first child, Anna developed widespread pain along her groin, hips, and lower back. She sought treatment as these problems progressed in severity. Despite being active for many years, she made the proactive decision to leave the Air Force once the military medical community began suggesting pelvic fusion surgery to “fix” her problems. Anna continued to seek medical treatment in the allopathic and osteopathic communities, as well as extensive chiropractic and physiotherapy. Unfortunately, these treatments were all minimally successful at best. Anna then turned to Prolotherapy and has received outstanding results.
Gerald R. Harris, DO is a leader in the field of neural therapy, and has had extensive training including training with world-renowned physician and neural therapy expert Dietrich Klinghardt, MD in the early 1990s. Dr. Harris is a board member of the American College of Osteopathic Sclerotherapeutic Pain Management (the oldest Prolotherapy organization) and is a regular lecturer on the subject of neural therapy for the College. He is also board certified in musculoskeletal sclerotherapy (Prolotherapy), and a Clinical Instructor/Preceptor for medical students and residents from the University of North Texas School of Medicine. Dr. Harris can be reached at Harris Method Pain Treatment, 1550 W. Rosedale St., Suite 714, Ft Worth, TX 76104. Tel: 817.336.4810; www.neuraltherapytexas.com.
Marion A. Boomer-Hauser, MS, RD graduated from University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana with a Bachelor’s degree in Food and Nutrition. Marion completed her Master’s of Science Degree and Dietetic Internship at Eastern Illinois University in conjunction with Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center. Marion worked at Rush Presbyterian St Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago as a clinical dietitian in the pulmonary medicine, ICU, and pediatric areas. She was also a clinical preceptor and instructor for the Dietetic Internship at Rush College. Marion then moved on to a more specialized position at Hines VA Hospital in Hines, IL, working in the Gastroenterology Department as a clinical dietitian, and then on to her favorite position as a member of the IV Nutrition Support Team for the entire hospital. Marion was a clinical preceptor and instructor for the Dietetic Internship Program, and also became a well-known speaker in the field of nutrition and dietetics for medical personnel as well as the lay public. Marion then joined her husband Ross in opening Caring Medical and Rehabilitation Services in 1991 and began working there full time in 1995. Having performed nearly every position in the office, Marion now functions 100% of her time as the Chief Executive Officer, overseeing and administrating the running of the clinic and its teams. Marion is an avid writer, co-authoring seven books on Prolotherapy with Dr. Hauser, as well as releasing the book The Hauser Diet: A Fresh Look At Healthy Living! Over the years, Marion has appeared on many radio and TV shows, as well as local community events, speaking on the topics of natural health, diet, nutrition, and of course, Prolotherapy. Marion is also the owner and CEO of Sorridi Business Consulting which publishes books and journals on a variety of health topics including Prolotherapy and diet and the Journal of Prolotherapy. Marion’s experience in the book publishing industry and website development arena has prepared her for the Senior Editor position of the Journal of Prolotherapy. Herself an avid marathoner and cyclist, she has experienced numerous sports and overuse injuries herself and has witnessed firsthand the healing powers of Prolotherapy and is excited to help spread the word to all suffering with some form of chronic pain. Marion Hauser may be reached at Caring Medical Florida. 9738 Commerce Center Ct. Fort Myers, FL 33908; Tel: 239.308.4755; www.caringmedical.com.
Ross Hauser, MD graduated from University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, followed by completion of medical school training at University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago where he graduated with his M.D. He completed his internship and residency training at Loyola-Hines VA-Marianjoy Hospitals in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and is a board certified Physiatrist (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist.) During his one month chronic pain rotation, he realized that he wanted to specialize in chronic pain, specifically to help patients get rid of their pain, not just mask their pain. Through the grace of God, Dr. Hauser was led to join the Prolotherapy practice of Gustav Hemwall, M.D. in Oak Park, IL back in 1993. Read more about Ross Hauser, MD
Dr. Henry holds a BS in Human Biology and a BS in Public Health. Dr. Henry graduated from National College of Chiropractic (National University of Health Science) and later completed the residence program in Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology). Dr. Henry is a Diplomate to the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology. He has over 20 years experience interpreting diagnostic images for chiropractors and medical doctors across the country. Dr. Henry is published and has lectured on topics of radiology for state and local chiropractic societies. At present, Dr. Henry makes his home in Massachusetts with his wife Lisa. Together, they have three adult children, all of whom currently serve in the Armed Forces. Dr. Henry is Radiologist-in-Chief of Radiology Diagnostics, LLC. If you would like to contact Dr. Henry e-mail him at jhenry@radiologydiagnostics.com.
J. V. A. Humphreys, MD (Doctor of Integrative Medicine) is presently pursuing postgraduate medical training (MSc) with the University of Southampton (School of Medicine) in Allergy and has completed a Short Course in Epidemiology with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (University of London). He is also a member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Dr. Humphreys has been engaged in many charity works and donations to the needy in both government and private facilities, as well as individually. Dr. Humphreys may be reached at Optimum Health Clinic, Ltd. PO Box W1280, St. Johns, Antigua, West Indies; Tel: 718.305.1538; www.drhumphreys.net.
- Dr James Inklebarger is currently employed as the Sports and MSK medical lead for Healtshare NHS central London. He
is a faculty member of the London College of Osteopathic medicine, and clinical tutor on the Bournemouth University MSK ultrasound
course. He is a member of the Spine Intervention and Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine.
- Dr James Inklebarger is currently employed as the Sports and MSK medical lead for Healtshare NHS central London. He
Nichole Jensen is a pre-medical undergraduate student at the University of Minnesota. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and will graduate in December 2009. She plans to attend medical school after graduation and would like to study sports medicine and orthopaedic surgery. Nichole works as a receptionist/assistant for Dr. Mark Wheaton at Lakeside Sports and Pain Clinic in Excelsior, Minnesota. Nichole enjoys running and soccer, and is the assistant coach for the Richfield High School soccer team.
Mark L. Johnson, MD received his undergraduate degree from Emory University. After receiving his M.D. from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, he completed his General Surgery internship at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, and his Urology residency at the University of Illinois in Chicago. He had extensive postgraduate training in laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He is a member of numerous professional organizations including the American College of Osteopathic Sclerotheropeutic Pain Management, the American College of Surgeons, the American Urological Association, the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, The Tennessee Medical Association, and the Davidson County Medical Society. Dr. Johnson retired from surgical practice five years ago to practice Prolotherapy full-time.
George H. Kramer, MD is a board certified physician with a specialty in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine and Medical Acupuncture. He received his medical degree from the University of Minnesota Medical School and performed his residency at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Kramer has been practicing sports and musculoskeletal pain medicine, primarily Prolotherapy, in the Minneapolis area for over 20 years. He founded the Sports Medicine Center, Low Back Clinic and Acupuncture program at Park Nicollet Clinic in the 1990’s. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Dr. Kramer may be contacted at 11500 Hwy 7, Suite 204, Minnetonka, MN 55305; Tel: 952.767.4800; www.georgekramermd.com.
Paul C. Kramm, MD completed medical school and his specialty training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Minnesota. Being disillusioned with the standard pain management tools of narcotics, cortisone and destruction of healthy nerves, he was convinced there had to be a better way to treat pain. He then received a subspecialty certification in pain management, and before discovering Prolotherapy, had learned to use botulinum toxin for many pain conditions including headache. While traveling the states on the lecture circuit teaching physicians how to use botulinum, he first heard about Prolotherapy. Initially sounding too good to be true, he soon became a convert to Prolotherapy after reading from a book found in Dr. Mark Wheaton’s lobby. The handwritten accounts of many patients’ amazing responses to Prolotherapy left a lasting impression. Dr. Kramm has a special interest in sports medicine and uses Prolotherapy for his collegiate and professional athlete clientele. He is actively researching the use of Prolotherapy for the so-called functional disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, esophageal spasm and interstitial cystitis. Dr. Kramm may be reached at 8595 United Plaza Blvd, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70809; Tel: 225.757.5657; paulkramm.md@kramm.brcoxmail.com.
Dr. Lam received his medical degree from the University of Hong Kong; completed his residency in Family Medicine and is a Specialist in Family Medicine with special interest in Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine in Hong Kong. He received his Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine from the University of Otago in New Zealand. He is the Medical Director and founder of the KH Lam Musculoskeletal and Family Medicine Centre in Hong Kong. He is also a Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor in Family Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and the Clinical Assistant Professor (Honorary) in Family Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr Lam may be reached at Lam Musculoskeletal & Family Medicine Centre G/F 9A Luen On Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: 23720888.
Dr. Ledermann is a graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and holds a Master’s degree in oral function/speech and language pathology. She is certified in the diagnosis and treatment of craniofacial disorders by the Institute of Craniofacial Pain and is a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. She joined the Minnesota Craniofacial Center Midway in 2009. Dr. Ledermann can be reached at 1690 University Avenue West #390, St. Paul, MN 55104; Tel: 651.642.1013; www.mncranio.com.
Robert has been a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC) and the Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia (MTABC) since 1994. From 2001 to 2008, he was a faculty member at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy (WCCMT), instructing in their Orthopedic and Neurological Examination departments. He was also a Senior Clinical Supervisor, examining students preparing for their Provincial Regulatory Board examinations. Robert upgraded his education to the 3000-hour standard for registration set by the CMTBC. Robert maintains a full time Registered Massage Therapy practice in Burnaby, BC Canada. He has spent the last 12 years researching, learning, developing and updating L.A.S.T. Robert Libbey can be contacted at Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique 6170 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5J 1H5, Canada. Tel: 604-897-7554. Email: rob@lastsite.ca.
Rick Marinelli, ND, MAcOM is a graduate of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. Rick has extensive experience in women’s healthcare, hormone replacement therapy for men and women, the diagnosis and treatment of pain, diagnostic ultrasonography, sports medicine, aesthetic medicine, weight loss, and primary care. He is especially well known for the gentle regenerative injection therapies of neural therapy, Prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma injection, and the use of sclerotherapy for the treatment of varicose veins. He has taught many courses in pharmacology, herbal medicine, pain management, and injection therapy and is a sought out lecturer. In addition to practice, Rick has been very active in community and professional service with a long list of contributions including immediate past Chair of the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine, immediate Past-President of the American Academy of Pain Management, a Commissioner of the Oregon Pain Management Commission and Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Advisory Commission, founding Vice-President of the Naturopathic Academy of Therapeutic Injection, and many others.
Danielle J. Martin was born and raised in Northwest Indiana. Since she was young she has had a vested interest in nutrition and its ability to positively affect both individuals and the community in daily life. Her passion for nutrition has led her to study Dietetics at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Her interest in health and nutrition has allowed her to utilize her talents for medical writing.
Stacey is co-owner of Perry Physical Therapy in Morrice, MI. It has been her long-time goal to bring a physical therapy clinic to the Perry area and she is excited to be working in her hometown. She graduated from Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI with a Bachelors of Science in Health Science in 1998 and a Master of Science in Physical Therapy in 2000. Her special areas of interest are in orthopedics, sports medicine, manual therapy and aquatics. Stacey may be reached at Perry Physical Therapy, 2306 W. Lansing Rd, Morrice, MI 48857; Tel: 517.625.0772; www.perrypt.com.
Heather L. McCullough, MA was born and raised in North Dakota through her high school years; then moved around quite a bit from California, Oregon, and Alaska, to finally landing in Oak Park, Illinois. Heather is trained as a certified Midwife having “caught” over 200 babies. Heather works on the clinical team of Caring Medical & Rehabilitation Services and is passionate about natural medicine and Prolotherapy. She actively does research and case report writing for Caring Medical’s wide array of publications when she is not caring for patients.
Jane E. Meyers graduated with a B.S. in Occupational Therapy from Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1984. She has been an occupational therapist for 25 years, licensed in both Wisconsin and Illinois. She completed graduate level courses in Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (S.I.P.T.) and Assistive Technology. She has advanced training in Sensory Integration, autism, and handwriting remediation. She is employed in special education in Lake County, Illinois for S.E.D.O.L.. She also works as an independent contracting therapist providing Myofascial Release Therapy at the Wisconsin Center for Myofascial Release in Kenosha, Wisconsin. She resides in Kenosha, WI and is involved in local community theatre. Jane Meyers may be reached by email at janemeyers@hotmail.com.
Michelle Murphy is a long distance runner who, over a number of years, developed sacroiliac joint pain, iliotibial band problems, piriformis syndrome, patella femoral syndrome, and pain all along her entire right side. She sought out treatment as these problems progressed in severity, from both the allopathic community as well as extensive chiropractic and physiotherapy. Unfortunately, these treatments were all minimally successful at best, providing no real relief. In spite of her best efforts to seek medical attention for this problem, she was offered nothing by allopathic medicine, except an assessment of a pulled groin muscle, and to stop running. Since walking was a serious problem, their advice was of no help. Months of dedicated, daily physiotherapy treatments proved mostly futile until finally the physiotherapist, a marathoner herself, informed her of a treatment called Prolotherapy.
John Neustadt, ND, is medical director of Montana Integrative Medicine and the co-founder with Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD of Nutritional Biochemistry, Incorporated (NBI) and NBI Testing and Consulting Corp (NBITC). He received his ND from Bastyr University in 2005, his BS in botany from University of Washington in 1997, and a BA in literature from University of California, San Diego in 1991. He is a well-known clinician, author, and speaker, having written more than 100 articles and is a regular contributor to the medical journal, Integrative Medicine, and the consumer publication, Remedies Magazine. Dr. Neustadt is the co-author of Thriving through Dialysis with Jonathan Wright, MD and A Revolution in Health through Nutritional Biochemistry with Dr. Pieczenik. Dr. Neustadt trained under the supervision of Thomas Dorman, MD, one of the leading practitioners and teachers of Prolotherapy and has completed advanced certification courses in Prolotherapy taught by the Naturopathic Academy of Therapeutic Injections. In August 2008, Dr. Neustadt was voted Best Doctor among all physicians in Bozeman, MT area in the annual Best of Bozeman Survey. His clinic information is as follows: Montana Integrative Medicine, 1087 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 1, Bozeman MT 59718, 406-582-0034, www.montanaim.com
Dr. Kristin Oliver completed her fellowship in Sports Medicine at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. She is board certified in family practice and sports medicine and is a founding partner of BlueTail Medical Group with offices in St. Louis, Missouri, Columbia, Missouri and Naples, Florida. She has extensive knowledge of percutaneous bio-cellular grafts including PRP, Bone Marrow Concentrate, Adipose and supporting matrices. Dr. Oliver employes musculoskeletal ultrasound for both diagnosis and needle guided techniques. Her hobbies include enjoys distance running and spending time with her family in Columbia, Missouri. Dr. Oliver may be reached at Bluetail Medical Group, 17300 N. Outer 40 Road – suite 201, Chesterfield, MO 63005; Tel: 636.778-2900; Fax: 636.778-2828; www.bluetailmedicalgroup.com.
Gina Orlando, MA, CH works as a certified hypnotherapist and wellness coach. Gina has a passion for health in body, mind, emotions and spirit and has worked for 28 years as an educator, consultant and writer in the holistic health field, helping people of all ages to make positive changes in their lives and health. She earned her Master of Arts degree from DePaul University in Chicago, IL in 1998 as an educator and consultant in holistic health promotion and complementary medical approaches to health. She is also a Reiki Master, is trained in Quantum Touch, Holographic Memory Resolution, the Transformational Healing Method and The Wise Mind Process. Gina may be contacted at 915 Pleasant St., Oak Park, IL 60302; Tel: 708.524.9103; www.ginaorlando.com.
Shelby Ostergaard worked at Caring Medical and Rehabilitation Services in Oak Park, IL for two years, primarily with internet projects and research. She developed her writing skills further through blogs, web content, case studies and medical papers. Shelby currently attends American University with hopes of pursuing a double major in Political Science and Communications. Shelby can be contacted at shelbyostergaard@yahoo.com.
Chakrapani Pathikonda (Chakri) is a pre-medical student, having completed his recent coursework at University of Missouri, Columbia. He has been working as a research assistant at the BlueTail Medical Group since December 2013. Prior to this, Chakri worked as a senior computer engineer at the Intel Corporation and Synopsys Inc for nearly two decades. He was awarded ten U.S. patents for results from his research in semiconductor electronics. He earned M.S. in Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. His hobbies include tennis and swimming. Chakri can be reached at chakri999@gmail.com.
Dr. Petrides is the director of Blackberry Clinic in the UK. He is a musculoskeletal physician qualified in medicine, osteopathy and sports medicine. He specializes in diagnosis and treatment of back, neck and joint pains using manipulation, injection, epidurals, or sclerosant therapy (Prolotherapy). He is responsible for taking a history and examining the patient, instigating a comprehensive treatment plan including referral to other practitioners or carrying out specialized injection procedures, with or without use of the fluoroscopy. Dr Petrides is a keen advocate of the integrated multidisciplinary approach to healthcare using several different modalities of treatment to achieve fast, effective relief of pain and disability. He is also a council member of the British Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine and regularly lectures nationally to other doctors on musculoskeletal and sports medicine. Dr. Petrides may be reached at Blackberry Orthopaedic Clinic, Blackberry Court, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK7 7PB. United Kingdom; Tel:; www.blackberryclinic.co.uk/clinic/home/clinic_home.php.
Amy Price, PhD is a psychologist who works as a researcher and consultant in the area of integrative neuroscience. Her goal is to enhance cognitive rehabilitative strategies and help survivor families and treating professionals to better assist cognitively challenged individuals. She works to increase the effectiveness of existing products, partner with others to develop better tools and strategies and to offer affordable solutions in hope of increasing function, quality of life and self identity in those who sustain disability. Amy and her husband, Dr. DJ Price, have co-founded schools, churches, and Bible colleges with Jesus Is Alive Ministries and continue to travel in their roles as international missionaries and motivational speakers. They have recently founded Traumatic Brain Injury Centers to meet the needs of outpatients who have sustained brain injury. Dr. Price can be contacted at dr.amyprice@gmail.com. Tel: 561.330.7877; www.traumaticbraininjurycenters.com and www.whiplash101.com.
David Rabago, MD is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He is an active clinician scientist with a busy continuity family medicine practice and ongoing clinical trials. He has been a NIH-NCCAM funded researcher and has active research projects in injection therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain including knee osteoarthritis and lateral epicondylosis (tennis elbow). He also conducts research on saline nasal irrigation for upper respiratory conditions. Dr. Rabago may be reached at University of Wisconsin, Dept of Family Medicine, 777 S Mills St., Madison, WI 53715; Tel: 608.265.2487; Fax: 608.263.5813.
Thomas Ravin, MD attended Colorado College and spent a year abroad at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. After graduating from the University of Colorado Medical School, Dr. Ravin completed an internship at Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. He was in the Special Forces for two years, which included one year in Southeast Asia. He completed both a radiology residency at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in Denver and a nuclear medicine fellowship at the University of Missouri in Columbia. In addition to promoting Prolotherapy around the world, Dr. Ravin continues to ski race and train in the USSA Masters program. He bicycles between 2,000 and 3,000 miles annually and is a passionate devotee of Pilates. The injuries he has sustained during these activities have spurred his interest particularly in the aches and pains of the active adult athlete. Dr. Ravin feels that Prolotherapy is an underused treatment tool and can keep adult athletes doing the activities they love as Dr. Ravin, in his late sixties, can attest to. Dr. Ravin may be reached at 45 S. Dahlia, St., Denver, CO, 80246; Tel: 303.331.9339; www.tomravinmd.com.
K. Dean Reeves, M.D., is a leading researcher and author in the fields of prolotherapy/regenerative injection and chronic pain mechanisms and treatment, having published numerous successful clinical trials in peer-reviewed literature and chapters in pain management texts. Dr. Reeves is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and holds a Clinical Associate Professorship in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from the University of Kansas. He is on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Medicine. His favorite activities include grandchildren time and encouraging simple and powerful research that challenges and changes the practice of pain management in cooperation with research colleagues in multiple countries. His expectation is that prolotherapy and related treatments such as biologic repair injection and perineural injection therapy will be recognized worldwide as the most cost-effective and standard-of-care treatments for chronic pain Dr. Reeves may be contacted via email at DeanReevesMD@gmail.com and his latest literature update may be reviewed on the American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine Website at aaomed.org.
Susan attended Mount Mary College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy. She has been working in the health care field for 30+ years as a full time Occupational Therapist. The majority of those years, specializing in Orthopedic Treatment and Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity. Susan is also a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, providing comprehensive treatment for patients with diagnoses of upper extremity Lymphedema. Susan presently works full time in Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois in a private orthopedic setting. Susan may be contacted at: MidAmerica Hand to Shoulder Clinic, 1 Trans Am Plaza Dr., Suite 460, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181; susansantilli@aol.com.
Dr. Shallenberger has been practicing medicine for over 37 years, after graduating from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and receiving post graduate training at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco. Dr. Shallenberger is a member of the American Academy of Ozonotherapy, American College for the Advancement of Medicine, The American Preventive Medical Association, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has served as a founding board member of the International Bio-Oxidative Medical Foundation, and is also a board member of the Society for Orthomolecular-Health Medicine. Dr. Shallenberger is a specialist in Anti-Aging Medicine, and is board certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has published several scientific and clinical papers, and has lectured extensively in the United States and abroad. He is best known for his research involving the use of oxidative therapy for immune related disorders. Dr. Shallenberger may be reached at 1231 Country Club Drive, Carson City, NV 89703; Tel: 775-884-3990; www.antiagingmedicine.com.
Clive Sinoff, MD was born and raised in South Africa. He was awarded his medical degree in 1973. Having completed additional training, Dr. Sinoff became board certified in Internal Medicine and subsequently Medical Oncology in South Africa. Medical education and training in South Africa is noted for its clinical emphasis. After moving to Canada in 1987, he completed his Canadian board certification in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology. Dr. Sinoff settled in Cleveland in 1995, and since 2002, has devoted his practice to helping patients with pain. His focus recently has been on Prolotherapy and Laser Therapy, both non-invasive treatments, which have been shown to cause healing of damaged tissues, even after years of pain. He is known as a warm and compassionate clinician. Dr. Sinoff has published over 15 articles and one revision book for internal medicine. Dr. Sinoff may be contacted at 22200 Halburton Rd., Beachwood, OH 44122; Tel: 216.514.9590; www.osmofohio.com.
Cathy A. Skinkis, MA received her medical training in the military as an Air Force Medic where she served our country for four years. Cathy is currently the Clinical Manager for Caring Medical Florida in Fort Myers, Florida, and has been working in the Alternative Medicine arena for over 20 years. She has a passion for passing on her knowledge in order to help other people achieve optimal health, particularly with Prolotherapy and healthy eating. Cathy has also written for other Caring Medical publications, including a study on bee venom injections for multiple sclerosis in 2000, as well as case reports.
Dr. Stoll earned his bachelor’s degree from Colorado State University and later attended medical school at the University of Colorado. He joined Coordinated Health in 2002 as the Medical Director of the Back and Neck Center and Chairman for the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Stoll is board certified by the American Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Currently he is focusing his efforts in the area of regeneration and restoration of injured tissue through non-surgical treatment. Dr. Stoll competed in the 1994 Winter Olympics as a member of the US Olympic Bobsled team and currently is the athletic team physician for Lehigh University and a consulting physician for the United States Bobsled and Skeleton Federation. Scott may be contacted at Coordinated Health, 2300 Highland Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18020; Tel: 610.861.8080; SkStoll@juno.com.
Garrett Swetlikoff, ND is a naturopathic physician practicing in Kelowna, British Columbia. Garrett graduated from Bastyr University in 1988. His interest in safe and effective alternatives for the acute, chronic and severely ill has led him to specialize in interventional natural medicine, including Prolotherapy. Dr. Swetlikoff’s practice incorporates both traditional and progressive naturopathic philosophies. Dr. Swetlikoff currently serves as of the President of the British Columbia Naturopathic Association. He has earned numerous board certifications and has been active in both the British Columbia and Canadian naturopathic associations. He has developed and taught courses for students and physicians for more than 10 years, writes for several newspapers and magazines, and sits on numerous editorial and advisory boards, most recently, the Journal of Prolotherapy.
Margaret E. Taylor, MBBS, BSc, FACNEM received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1973 and specialised in nutritional medicine since 1980. She is a founding fellow and teacher of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. She has practiced Prolotherapy since 1990, and since 1998 has taught over 250 doctors and over 150 podiatrists from Australia and other Pacific countries. She is honorary treasurer of the Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine. Dr. Taylor and information on her workshops may be accessed via her website www.drmtaylor.com.au or via email taylorme@internode.on.netor her clinic at 79 Birksgate Drive, Urrbrae. 5064, South Australia.
Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH is a former US Army Medical Officer and public health physician. As a public health physician in Eastern Los Angeles County, he started a pain clinic in 1975 primarily for cancer and post-polio patients. He retired from public health in 1998 but still operates his original pain clinic which specializes in intractable pain. He has published over 300 scientific articles primarily on addiction, pain, and neurochemistry. His primary research interest is hormone metabolism and treatment involving pain. He is editor emeritus of Practical Pain Management that is circulated to 47,000 physicians who treat pain patients. Dr. Tennant may be reached at Veract Intractable Pain Clinics, 338 S. Glendora Avenue, West Covina, CA 91790-3043; Tel: 626.919.7476; www.foresttennant.com.
Rodney S. Van Pelt, MD received his medical degree from Loma Linda University Medical School and completed his family practice residency in Florida. He practiced family medicine for several years until falling in love with the specialty of Orthopedic Medicine which uses all the different modalities for pain with conservative treatments. Dr. Van Pelt then received specialized training in the Cyriax technique of Orthopedic Medicine, taking some of his training in Oxford, England. He is one of the few America physicians who is a member of the Society of Orthopedic Medicine of London, England. Dr. Van Pelt practices full time Prolotherapy in northern California. Dr. Van Pelt may be contacted at Orthopedic Wellness Center Plaza Del Sol, 776 S State St., Ukiah, CA 95482; Tel: 707.463.1782; www.sfpmg.com.
Dr. Weglein is certified in Sports Medicine, certified in Prolotherapy from the American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine, and certified-Diplomat of the American Board of Medical Acupuncture. He graduated Summa Cum-Laude from University of Texas at Arlington. He received his medical degree in Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth. After successfully completing a family residency at the University of Texas Houston, he went on to do a Sports Medicine Fellowship at South Pointe, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, and subsequently became the Assistant Program Director of the Sports Medicine Fellowship. Dr. Weglein has been a national speaker on the topic of acupuncture in sports medicine at the Annual American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine, and has given many lectures on the topic of Prolotherapy, PRP and regenerative medicine. Dr. Weglein can be reached at 4295 San Felipe St., Suite 230, Houston, TX 77027; www.houstonsportsdoctor.com.
Nathan Wei, MD is a graduate of Swarthmore College and the Jefferson Medical College. He completed his residency at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan and his fellowship in arthritis at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Wei is an acknowledged national expert in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and is the author of more than 500 publications. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology, and is the only American rheumatologist member in the Arthroscopy Association of North America. Dr. Wei is considered an authority and expert in stem cell and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) procedures. He is active in clinical research and is the Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland, located in Frederick, Maryland. Dr. Wei may be reached at 71 Thomas Johnson Drive, Frederick, MD 21702. Tel: 301.694.5800; www.aocm.org.
Dr. Rev. Wanona Wellspring, DN, Licensed Doctor of Naprapathy received her doctorate in 1999 from the National College of Naprapathic Medicine. Naprapathy is a manual therapy that specializes in connective tissue disorders. She is the creator of Wellspring Massage, editor of Oak Leaves, a professional newsletter for the Naprapathic community, as well as the Educational Chair for the Naprapathic Academy of Science Education and Research, producing educational seminars for health professionals for continuing education. Dr. Wellspring incorporates clinical nutrition and exercise physiology into a complete healing process that includes Naprapathy, Myofascial Release, Cranio Sacral technique and Yoga therapeutics. Dr. Wellspring can be reached at the Wellspring Family Health Centre at 339 W Palatine Rd, Palatine, IL 60067; Tel: 847.496.7207; www.wellspringfamily.org.
Rob Werstine is the Senior Physiotherapist at the Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic – Fanshawe College, and the Head Therapist for Varsity Athletics at Fanshawe College. He teaches in the Fitness and Health Promotion program at Fanshawe and holds an adjunct teaching appointment in the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Western Ontario. He is a post-graduate instructor in orthopaedics and has been chief therapist for several national and international events. His areas of research interest are shoulder dislocations, assessment and treatment of lower quadrant stability, and rehabilitation of patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury and/or surgery. Rob may be reached at Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic – Fanshawe College, 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., Room SC 1001, London, ON, Canada, N5Y 5R6; Tel: 519.452.4230; Email: rwerstine@fanshawec.ca.
Mark T. Wheaton, MD is board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, with fellowship training in Sports Medicine, and has performed Prolotherapy since 1996 in his private practice, Lakeside Sports and Pain Clinic, in Excelsior, Minnesota. Dr. Wheaton was a contributing author to the Hausers’ Prolo Your Pain Away! and Prolo Your Sports Injuries Away! books and was privileged to be a volunteer at their medical missionary clinic for almost 10 years. He also enjoys his role as a Prolotherapy instructor and lecturer, stating, “I owe a great debt to Dr. Gustav Hemwall, who graciously taught the technique of Prolotherapy to me and many other current Prolotherapists through his books and seminars.” Dr. Wheaton also uses other complementary methods such as Neural Therapy, Neurotransmitter Therapy, Electrotherapy, Physical Therapy, and Manual Muscle Therapy in his practice.